A R T W O R K    G A L L E R Y


Artwork Gallery is a digital and physical art magazine founded and curated by urkainian Anna Ponomarenko, with the aim to support women artists in all mediums from any country.
It is also partner of UARTIST 83, an art community of artists, photographers, sculptors, art entrepreneurs, and everyone interested in creativity, art, career, business, and social projects in the art sphere, whose goal is to support and unite Ukrainian artists at home and abroad.


Artwork Gallery - Issue 3


Issue 3 pursues the main theme "Color Vibe", inviting artists to think about what color means to them - because "each artist feels the color in his own way. It's about emotions, feelings, about something minimal or maximal".
Among the selected artists there is also the italian hyperrealism artist Valentina Diena, who has been represented with her diptych Eat or Beaten. The dedicated article includes her bio and a brief conceptual explanation of the selected artwork.

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Artwork Gallery - Issue 3, Valentina Diena



  © Developed by Valentina Diena